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Have you forgotten about the Japanese market?

Overseas hotel reservation website specializing in day trips for Japanese people

The Number of Japanese
Visitors Abroad

The number of international travelers reached 1.43 million in 2019. Travel has become increasingly convenient, meaning more people will travel abroad.

The Number of Japanese
Residents Outside of Japan

The number of Japanese people emigrating overseas is also increasing every year. It is estimated that approximately 1.39 million Japanese are living abroad.
The number of people moving from Japan to other countries will continue to increase.


Japanese people with limited English skills have difficulty

・navigating existing hotel websites
・managing cancellations

due to the high level of English required.

solves these bottlenecks!

Zero Listing Fees

There are no initial costs or fixed monthly fees to list your hotel on our site. All you need to pay is a commission fee whenever someone books your hotel through our site.

Generous Support for Customers

We provide generous support that foreign websites do not have. Even Japanese customers who do not speak foreign languages can feel at ease using our site’s day-use hotel services.

Our site makes management

Facility listings, reservations, and customer interactions are all possible through our site, making the entire management process a piece of cake.

Pricing Plans Setting

You can set up the pricing based on the day of the week, the time of day, and the number of people.

Optional Services Setting

Optional services, such as breakfast, lunch, and laundry service, can also be set up for compensation or free of charge.

Detailed Hourly Rental Setting

rent out the rooms for any length of time

Availability of Facility Instruction Videos

You can post videos (including YouTube videos) to introduce the splendor of your facilities, which is difficult to picture through text alone.

Ability to Communicate with Guests

The administration panel allows hotel administrators to reply directly to inquiries from guests. management the entire process, from the customer’s reservation to direct communication with the customer.

Listing Process

You can easily start accepting reservations for day-use rooms.

Membership Registration

First, register as a free member. Now you are ready to start using Kyodake!

Room Information Registration

Enter your hotel’s information, including the address, room information, and pictures so that you can start accepting reservations.

Start Accepting Reservations

Once you start accepting reservations, all you have to do is wait for reservations to be made! For your first month, we let you use the site for free, with no commission fees!

Monetize your vacant rooms
without any initial cost now!